Exploring the Relative Economics of Mustard Plant under Various Treatments

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Foumy N. Rafeeq


All the major plant nutrients, namely nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, play an important role in increasing the production of mustard. A major part of the fertilizer nitrogen applied is lost as NH3 through volatilization. The optimum supply of phosphorus to the plant stimulates root development and growth, thereby helps to establish seedlings quickly, and also reduces the harmful effect of excess nitrogen in plants. Potassium helps in maintaining a normal balance between carbohydrates and proteins.

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How to Cite
Rafeeq, F. N. . (2024). Exploring the Relative Economics of Mustard Plant under Various Treatments. B.R. Nahata Smriti Sansthan Agricultural Extension Journal (AEXTJ), 8(02). https://doi.org/10.22377/aextj.v8i02.424
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