Urban and Peri-Urban Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Countries: Mitigation of Food Insecurity

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Gudisa Bereda


Urban agriculture is expressed as the growing of plants, the production of crop, and livestock goods or the raising of animals for food and other uses within and around cities and towns. There are three descriptions of urban agriculture in advancing countries that will be proposed and notified are (1) the social contributions of urban agriculture in relation to the urban population growth; (2) the economic roles of urban agriculture and the emergence of its multi-functionality; and (3) the constraints and the risks of advancing an urban agriculture for human consumption. Urban agriculture contributes to the health and well-being of a community by lowering hunger, enhancing access to food, ameliorating nutrition, and ameliorating environmental circumstances that affect health. The capability of urban farming to continuously supply food for the urban poor, particularly in advancing nations, will based on best planning on accurate geospatial information to enable sustainable management of the practice. Urban agriculture can contribute to the following advantages such as enhanced urban food supply and food security through accelerated availability of food, particularly of fresh and perishable foods, employment and income opportunities for the urban population (involving migrants from rural areas), ameliorated household food security of the urban poor, and improved urban environment.

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How to Cite
Bereda, G. . (2022). Urban and Peri-Urban Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Countries: Mitigation of Food Insecurity. B.R. Nahata Smriti Sansthan Agricultural Extension Journal (AEXTJ), 6(2). https://doi.org/10.22377/aextj.v6i2.309
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