Influence of Organic Fertilizers on the Issue of Carbonic Gas in the Soil under Vegetable Crops Influence of Organic Fertilizers on the Issue of Carbonic Gas in the Soil under Vegetable Crops

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Z. H. Aliyev


The article discusses the use of manure and other organic fertilizers serving for plants as a source of mineral nutrients with the release of CO2, when decomposed, it saturates the soil air and the surface layer of the atmosphere contributing to the plant’s air nutrition. For a well-known reason that recently, around the world, as an economically pure organic fertilizer of animal origin, they began to be used to prepare nutritious mixtures for obtaining environmentally friendly crop products from crops, while it would justify the economic feasibility of using its cheap preparation and rising prices for industrial fertilizers. It has been proven that the application of various types and doses of organic fertilizers for legumes and peppers helps to increase the content of organic matter, nutrients (NPK), humus, carbon dioxide in the soil, as well as increase the growth and development of plants in different periods of vegetation. It has been established that the higher the content organic matter in the soil, the more it emits CO2 under conditions of aeration and humidity, and the correlative high relationship confirms the contiguity and tightness between these parameters, where P = +0.94+0.04 (beans) and P = +0.97+0.02 (pepper).

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How to Cite
Aliyev, Z. H. (2020). Influence of Organic Fertilizers on the Issue of Carbonic Gas in the Soil under Vegetable Crops: Influence of Organic Fertilizers on the Issue of Carbonic Gas in the Soil under Vegetable Crops. B.R. Nahata Smriti Sansthan Agricultural Extension Journal (AEXTJ), 4(1).
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