Performance Evaluation of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) Varieties in West Arsi Zone, Ethiopia

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Usman Kedir


Garlic is grown worldwide in all temperate to subtropical and tropical hilly areas as an important spice and medicinal plant. Ethiopia, with its diversified agroecological conditions, is suitable for garlic production. However, its production and productivity are very low due to many biotic and abiotic factors. It was also indicated that a lack of improved varieties and garlic rust are the major contributing factors responsible for the low production and productivity of garlic in Ethiopia. It is, therefore, crucial to identify appropriate cultivars with high productivity and quality suiting to target study environments. The current study was therefore initiated with the intention of evaluating and selecting high-performing garlic varieties under the conditions of West Arsi Zone and other similar agroecologies. Three garlic varieties, namely, Holeta (HL), Kuriftu, and Tseday 92, were evaluated using a randomized complete block design with three replications at three locations for two consecutive cropping seasons under rainfed conditions. The analysis of variance of an individual environment revealed that the total bulb yield showed a significant difference at all test environments. The combined analysis of variance for the total bulb yield also showed a significant difference among the varieties and locations. The mean bulb yield values of the tested varieties averaged across the environments showed that the variety HL was found to have the highest mean bulb yield (6.99 ton/ha), followed by the variety Kuriftu with its mean bulb yield of 6.36 ton/ha. The varietal effect contributed more to varying the total bulb yield performance. However, the presence of blocking and/or replicating within the testing environment could not influence more to the total bulb yield of the tested garlic varieties. In general, the variety HL was found to be the most adaptable variety for the present ecology of study areas.

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How to Cite
Kedir, U. . (2025). Performance Evaluation of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) Varieties in West Arsi Zone, Ethiopia. B.R. Nahata Smriti Sansthan Agricultural Extension Journal (AEXTJ), 9(01).
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